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Excretory System

Circulatory System

Mission B:

Message from

Dr. Cactus



1.     What are red blood cells? What are their functions?

Investigate on the internet and write your conclusions in your notebook.

2.    What are other components of blood? What are their functions?

        Use drawings to represent the components of blood and what they do.


3.    Where does blood travel through our body?

Explain and represent the three blood vessels in our body and its differences: why does blood travel through one of it or another?

4.    Does the scientist have a healthy level of red blood cells? How can having                that level of red blood cells affect the body?

Discuss with your fellows and write your conclusions. 

5.   Is this health issue caused by the virus?

If not, what could have caused it? Check the crime scene and look for clues to answer this question.



1.    How does the heart pump blood so that it travels through the body?

In which parts is the heart divided? Make a simple drawing and label it.

2.   What is the problem in the scientist's heart? How can that affect your life?

3.    How does blood travel through the body and organs?

Investigate about it and make a drawing to illustrate the process. Use red to represent blood full of oxygen and blue to represent blood with carbon dioxide.

4.    Could the virus have caused the issue in the scientist's heart?

If not, what could have caused it? Discuss with your fellows and check your clues to answer the question.



1.    What is the bladder? What other organs are part of the excretory system?

Represent and name them.

2.    What is the function of the bladder?

How is urine formed? How does it end in the bladder and how is it expelled from the body?

3.    Is this health issue caused by the virus? If not, what could have caused it?

Check the crime scene and look for clues to answer this question.



Create a video (using the app educreations or your camera and iMovie) explaining the process of circulation in our body. You should include what happens since the alveoli put oxygen in the capilaries until the carbon dioxide produced in our body is put back in the lungs. Don't forget to include the parts in the heart and the blood vessels where the blood travels through at each point.

Gamificación y ABP 6º Primaria, 2017/18

Carolina Álvarez y Beatriz Cánovas

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