Chapter 6:
Save the planet
A good wizard or witch is well known for saving energy.
Oh look! A blibbering humdinger... Oh, you must be the new students. I am Luna Lovegood, I love magical creatures... especially the ones only some can see. I have special glasses to see creatures like wrackspurts, they are called spectrespecs. people don't believe me and say I made up everything but... who cares?
Anyway... I am really concerned about looking after the enviroment. Obvious, right? I love creatures and creatures will die if the enviorment is destroyed.
I found a big problem nowadays, would you like to help me?
Wizards and witches do not use a lot of energy because we use magic in our daily life. But muggles use a lot of energy everyday and they are wasting energy sources and destroying the planet little by little.
Would you help me and try to convince muggles to save energy?
TASK 1: Take notes in your notebook answering these questions:
What is energy?
What forms of energy do you know? Explain them.
Explain the properties of energy using words and drawings.

TASK 2: Compare and contrast renewable energies and non-renewable energies. Then, choose one of the following energy sources and explain how electrical energy is obtained from them in power plants:​
Flowing water
Earth's internal heat
Fossil fuels
Nuclear fuels
Use pictures and drawings to help you explain the process.
You can build the power plant with "Exploration Lite".
Tell your classmates about your power plant and listen to them to learn from their power plants.
TASK 3: Answer the questions:
What is the greenhouse effect? Is it good or bad for the Earth?
Explain with a drawing how the greenhouse effect works.
What is global warming? Is is good or bad for the Earth?
How is it caused? What are its effects?
TASK 4: What can we do to reduce or stop Global Warming? Create an advertising campaign to inform people about this problem and tell them how to save energy.
Create a slogan
Design posters
Create videos
Prepare talks
You'll get 40 XP once you have completed all the tasks
EXTRA TASK: Look for a piece of news in an online newspaper talking about Global Warming. What do they say about it?
You'll get 5 extra points if you complete the task
Are you ready to complete the tasks for Luna? Have a look at the following resources:​